2024 Events

By | 5th July 2024

The year got off to a start with our Group AGM, which was held in Eastleigh. There was a good attendance by members, helped by the fact that the meeting was held ‘virtually’ via Zoom as well as ‘face to face’. Officers and Committee were duly elected to run the group.

As at the end of June we have so far supported  –

Getting prepped in Control for the Dorset Trail Run in April

The Dorset Trail Run, which was again held on the St Giles Estate in Dorset at the end of April. This year’s event was made even more ‘interesting’ by the fact that more than one vehicle got bogged down in mud! luckily though, several of our members turn up at events in 4×4 vehicles which comes in handy. As usual it was a very successful day for runners, organisers and supporters. For details of next year’s run, check out their website.   https://uktrailrunningfestival.co.uk/


Two happy Raynet members operating from the minibus.




Lymington Lifeboat 10k took place on a sunny Sunday in May. This year we experimented running Control from a minibus as it is one of our smaller events. https://rnli.org/news-and-media/2024/may/21/lymington-rnli-20th-annual-10k-run-and-kids-fun-run 




Our training programme for the year started with an extremely well received presentation on Logging and Message Handling.  This was offered to us by Tim Pettis who has history and experience in Emergency Planning.

The material was quite comprehensive and included:

  • Organisational Resilience

    Some of Hampshire Raynet members at our 2nd training session on the role of the loggist and message handling

  • Civil Contingencies Act (Raynet’s link into the LRF, etc)
  • Risks and how those shape contingency arrangements, including specifics about events as well as covering the types
  • Events & Safety Advisory Groups
  • Types of Incidents -and what Raynet could become involved with
  • Command and control structures – emergency response arrangements for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Local Resilience Forum (how Raynet will interact)
  • The role of a Loggist including message handling
  • Best Practice in Log Keeping (conforming to the civil and criminal procedures)



Last Updated on 5th July 2024 by Viv